It's now 6.27 am, and I am watching the sunrise over the fields as I type this.
Jean C. Rowles' bibliography is now uploaded, and yes, it did take an inordinate amount of time. The issue is the balance to be struck with the way the website appears on the various platforms.
It has been a bit of a slog overcoming the issues when preparing a new website, but now that the layout is OK (although it will change as time moves on), I can do what I prefer, and that is getting the content online.
Currently preparing and uploading the Chatterton Bibliography by Jean Rowles A.L.A. An amazing piece of work and well worth the read. Visit the Muniment Room section of the website to check it out.
I am uploading it one chapter at a time, so it will take me a few days as there are 357 pages. https://www.thomaschatterton.com/
I have also started adding links to online biographies - no more searching online as the links will be here whenever you need them. So far only four links but that will increase as I find the time to add more. At the moment you can choose from Ingram, Croft, Gregory, and Southey & Cottle's 1803 edition, all three volumes.