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The Thomas Chatterton Manuscript Project is funded by the writer (.QE!.) for the benefit of all interested people & parties. The site is not and will never be monetised. There is no advertising and it will never have advertising.  I claim fair usage for educational purposes.  All images have been remade and adjusted accordingly to suit this website.  


Feel free to contact me if any item offends or infringes and action will be taken to resolve your complaint, subject to your request being valid and relevant.


All manuscripts photographed at Bristol Reference Library or Bristol Archives are published with the permission of those two august institutions.  â€‹â€‹I owe a debt of thanks to all of the Bristol librarians who have helped me locate documents and for permission to include them in the project. 


Bristol Museum: I live in the hope that they will one day respond to my request to view and photograph Chatterton related items for this project.


All other Books and Periodicals are as mentioned on the website.​


Finally, I hardly need to add that the knowledge behind everything I write is derived from reading what someone else has written, and then sorting the wheat from the chaff, and there has certainly been no shortage of chaff!


Oh! and thanks to Melody Gardot for a line from one of her songs - It's a Simple Thing; We Don't Need a Ring!

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